ponedeljek, 21. december 2009
Smartest Kid 'in town'
nedelja, 20. december 2009
Za manj boleči včeraj, lepši danes ter svetlejši jutri
"Ljudje se morajo naučiti dajati"
četrtek, 17. december 2009
Stage - Less
sreda, 16. december 2009
Redni servis ali hiša brez 'h'-ja
torek, 15. december 2009
David Ritz - mož ki živi svoje sanje
ponedeljek, 14. december 2009
Kako ostati otrok, ali dan, ko sem spoznala Piko Nogavičko
petek, 11. december 2009
Josipa Lisac in njena skrivnost
Menda ste bili ena najbolj glasnih deklic v zboru?
Kesanje, povratek in ostala patetika
petek, 25. september 2009
ponedeljek, 7. september 2009
petek, 4. september 2009
V pričakovanju pričakovanj
torek, 28. julij 2009
četrtek, 16. julij 2009
When one of the angels looses it's wings, the others fly next to him to keep him above. High and safe. That's the magic about it.
Not many of you know, why I was going there for, after all this time. I haven't shared it on here. Because I was afraid to talk about it before I left, so nothing would go wrong and once I got there, everything became a little blury. Covered with breaths taken away. One of the main reasons I set my foot on California land, was Jimmy Scott. I'ts ok, if you never heard of him. I admit it, I didn't know him either just few months ago. Now he keeps me speechless. His human touch prevents me from writing about him. Because I feel such respect and I'm afraid my words could never give him the right he deserves. He wasn't the only one that impressed me while staying in LA. There were so many people, working on his dream, finding their dreams within his, creating an artistic fairytale that will hopefully come alive in next few monhts. I will write about it. I'm sure. I just need to put everything inside of me in order. So I can find the phrases that will give you a glimpse of what we experienced in Hollywood.
It really did happen, right? I think so. I hope so. I dream so.
There are many fallen angels in Los Angeles but I haven't met one. I was sourrounded by the finest of them all. Angels with huge wings, flying above mediocracy, expectations of society and common lives of ordinary people. They allowed me to be one of them. And for that, I will never be the same again.
sreda, 1. julij 2009
torek, 30. junij 2009
sobota, 27. junij 2009
LA , Jimmy Scott and other Candies
Bizarre ...
petek, 19. junij 2009
torek, 16. junij 2009
Korak k Sebi
ponedeljek, 15. junij 2009
Shia Goes Global
torek, 26. maj 2009
nedelja, 24. maj 2009
Summer In The Air
sreda, 20. maj 2009
Xara - 7. del
petek, 15. maj 2009
sobota, 9. maj 2009
Ena pesem je dovolj. Da začutim tisti en dotik, ki v meni sproži en utrip srca, ki bije za eno noč. Da si zaželim enega poljuba, ki traja eno življenje.
petek, 8. maj 2009
Our story
Has no empty pages,
Emotions all over,
In all kinds of stages.
Love was my muse,
Since I learned how to spell it,
Heartbreaks my best friends,
As I sang the blues.
When I wasn't ready,
You entered my story,
You stole all the chapters,
Got lost in their glory.
The words were so loud,
As they screamed at me,
The messagge was clear,
We were ment to be.
Just after I found you
I lost you again,
Timing was wrong,
but the ending's not blue.
I'm holding the pen,
Thinking about you,
Rewriting the story
Changing the clue.
The words are so loud,
As they scream at me,
The messagge is clear,
We are ment to be…
This is my story, the message is clear, we will find eachother, happy ending is near …
ponedeljek, 4. maj 2009
Se lahko ...
četrtek, 30. april 2009
Xara - 6. del
Na ramenu sem začutila hladno dlan, ob stene ušesa pa se mi je zaletaval glas, ki je kolikor sem lahko razbrala, zvenel precej obupano. Obrnila sem glavo stran od spominov, ki so me v tistem trenutku zaboleli v samem bistvu izgubljenega trenutka in se posvetila neznanki. V polomljeni angleščini mi je poizkušala pojasniti, da je izgubila otroka. Majhnega fantka, ki je komaj hodil brez njene pomoči in kdo ve kako, je uspel ubežati ostremu pogledu skrbne mame. Daleč ni mogel priti, mi je bilo takoj jasno. Pogledala sem naokoli in ugotovila, da obrazom, ki so strmeli v naju, ne bi moglo biti bolj vseeno za to, kaj se dogaja. Vedela sem, da sem edina, ki v tistem trenutku lahko pomaga obupani. Prijela sem jo za roko in skupaj sva tavali sva med neskončnimi vrstami polnih sedežev v čakalnici. Kot obsedena sem premikala velike kovčke turistov, v upanju, da se bo za njimi skrival prestrašen obrazek. Naenkrat ni šlo več le za izgubljenega fantka. Iskala sem vse, ki sem jih v življenju izgubila. Obrazi tistih, ki sem jih pogrešala, so se nizali pred mojimi očmi in ob vsakem se je v meni prebudil delček mozaika, ki je in bo pripadal le njim. Za trenutek se mi je zdelo skoraj smešno, kako živo sem se spominjala nekaterih, ki so sicer le redko obiskali moje misli. Njihove oči, ogledala njihove duše, so me v teh trenutkih mrzličnega iskanja izgubljenega otroka, prebadala do obisti. Kot bi mi očitali, da sem jih izpustila iz rok. Da sem jim dovolila, da so odšli iz mojega življenja. Da se nisem dovolj borila zanje. Težko bi rekla, da se motijo. Vedno sem iskala ljudi, ki so v moji očeh potrebovali mojo pomoč. Napajala sem se iz občutka, da me nekdo potrebuje. Da lahko nekomu spremenim življenje. Ga rešim pred samim sabo. Ko sem v resnici jaz potrebovala nekoga, da me reši.
sreda, 29. april 2009
sreda, 22. april 2009
I used to think that I can't handle goodbyes. The truth is that I'm afraid I won't be able to handle what comes after them. Guess what. I survived... And I always will.
p.s. And then you think, that life can not surprise you anymore ... You say farewell to one ghost from the past and few days later ... the other ghost calls you.
četrtek, 9. april 2009
četrtek, 2. april 2009
Carpe F*** Diem
ponedeljek, 30. marec 2009
petek, 27. marec 2009
četrtek, 26. marec 2009
torek, 24. marec 2009
Ne morem ...
Ne morem sedeti pri miru.
Ne morem zapreti oči. Nočem vedeti vsega. Ne prenesem razdalje med ljudmi ...
Ne morem sedeti pri miru.
UTOP.I.JA. Kako lahko je pohoditi nekoga, Ki na kolenih razgalja okostnjak svoje duše. Kako lahko je stopiti na hrbet besed, ki b...
Te besede v svoj mali Dnevnikov blok, zapisujem na vlaku med Solunom in Atenami, 29. decembra 2007 po tem, ko je za mano že vsaj dobrih 20 ...
Ko ima človek po dolgem času preveč časa, začne razmišljat. Ponavadi se mu po glavi sprehaja mali milijon neumnosti, dvomov in vprašanj gle...
Vedno trdim, da ima Shia neverjetno srečo . Skoraj vedno in povsod. Če že ni bila rojena pod srečno zvezdo pa se je nedvomno v življenju tol...