sreda, 22. april 2009


After all this time? Afer all this shit? After all the tears I've cried? After all the lies? After all the broken promises? After all the sleepless nights? After all the empty words? After all the stolen dreams? After all this ...

Are you still the owner of my smile? Do you still manage my happiness with the way you speak? Do you still control my breathing with the way you call me baby?

Only if I let you ... And something is telling me, you're not gonna get away with it this time ...

2 komentarja:

storyteller pravi ...

Hmmm... očitno je bil vikend na morju pester :/


Lilith pravi ...

Ko pada, lije. Ampak je fajn filing, razpakirat kovčke, ven pomest še zadnje boarding tickete iz skritih žepkov, stare vstopnice za muzeje, drobnarije, ki nisi niti vedel, da jih ni, a ti vseeno prikličejo spomine, in pripraviti kovčke za nova potovanja.


UTOP.I.JA. Kako lahko je pohoditi nekoga, Ki na kolenih razgalja okostnjak svoje duše. Kako lahko je stopiti na hrbet besed, ki  b...