torek, 30. junij 2009

Lost in Time

When the sun goes down in one place, it rises in another. Simple and unavoidable. So good night to some of us and good morning to some of you. Maybe we meet somewhere in between. Or not. It doesn't matter. We are lost in the same time.

sobota, 27. junij 2009

LA , Jimmy Scott and other Candies

So here we are ... LA, Los Angeles, City of Angels or whatever you wanna call it. I haven't seen the ocean yet, most of the time I am sitting in the studio or Im chasing Michael Jackson info all around Hollywood. All of it has it's charm. And all of it keeps me extremly busy. That's why you haven't seen much of me on here lately. I will post some pics in the near future, but it will be extremly difficult trying to catch all the moments we are experiencing here for the last few days. Words can never tell ...
History is being made. Legends are brought together. Music in every word, emotion in every touch. Even silence has the melody here. I feel as the luckiest girl to have a chance to be a part of something so big. Someone up there must like me. A lot.

p.s. Have I mentioned that I'm staying in a house that belonged to Marilyn Monroe in the 50's??
Bizarre ...

torek, 16. junij 2009

Korak k Sebi

Včasih predolgo čakamo na korak, ki že nekaj časa odmeva v zraku. Pretvarjamo se, da ga ne slišimo in upamo, da bo ubral pot daleč stran od nas. Ker ga nismo pripravljeni narediti. Tako minevajo dnevi, korak pa odmeva vse glasneje, dokler ni tako blizu, da nas njegov zven ogluši do te mere, da ne slišimo ničesar drugega.

Danes je prišel ta dan. Danes sem bližje neodvisnosti. Neodvisnosti od sistema, ki mi je zadnje mesece ubijal kreativne celice in me navdajal s tesnobo. Danes sem naredila korak proti Sebi. In občutka olajšanosti ne zamenjam za nič na svetu. Lepo je, ko se zaveš, da si ne glede na vse zvest samemu sebi. In kar naenkrat denar ni tako pomemben in sanje zažarijo v novi luči. Objemam jih tako močno, da zadušim vse dvome in strahove. Veselim se prihodnosti. Ker mi je naklonjena.

ponedeljek, 15. junij 2009

Shia Goes Global

Too many things that make me shiver, too many emotions, too many laughs, too many smiles, too many plans, too much work, too many parties, too many hugs, too much running around, too many stars, heart that beats too fast, hug that lasts too long, love that carries too much rain and too much sunshine.

There's nothing as 'too much/many' of the things above. Shia goes global. After London she will be all over the City of Angels really soon. It was about time. It really was. Yay!


UTOP.I.JA. Kako lahko je pohoditi nekoga, Ki na kolenih razgalja okostnjak svoje duše. Kako lahko je stopiti na hrbet besed, ki  b...