I just love the beauty of imaginary recession. The broken pride and shattered dreams of each and everyone of us. I love how we are afraid of tomorrow and in denial about yesterday. Imaginary Recession is a blessing. It is the opportunity for us to grow and fight for what we really want. I want to embrace the scared little girl inside of me and show her the way to the right path. I was born a dreamer, I still am and will remain one. Anything I dreamed about ten years ago, I now have. And I am certain that ten years from now I will live surrounded by everything I am dreaming about now. It's the power of my own thoughts and wishes, my devoted work and beautiful people I share my life with. I just love the beauty of imaginary recession. I love the rejections and humiliations that are thrown into my face on daily basis and push me back to where I once started so I can pick myself up and arise from the dust just like Phoenix did. I need to learn to be strong and not let them kill the child in me. It's the most precious thing I posses. And it must survive. Especially in times like the ones we are facing now. Imaginary recession is fragile like one's dreams are. Is as strong as our fears are. Don't fear anything. You are above it all. Once we start believing that again we will win it. We will kill imaginary recession. Break it into millions of invisible pieces that will be as harmless as snowflakes falling from invisible clouds. So, let's love the imaginary recession. Let's dream, not because there is nothing else left for us to do, but because we are worth the best. It's time for us to take what we want. Not ask for it. Take it. Thank you beautiful imaginary recession. Soon you will be nothing more but a beautiful memory of much needed time of awakening.
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