petek, 23. december 2011


My dear friends, casual readers or accidental visitors. I am signing in just to tell you, that after almost 3 years of wandering, Xara finally found her way home. Her journey is proudly signed with FIN, THE END, KONEC, KRAJ, ENDE, TO TELOS, FINNE, EL FINAL ...

After she gets all of her gathered memories precisely sorted out, she will hopefully be ready, to share her message with you. Thank you for being there all this time. Your attention is much appreciated.

p.s. With finally leading Xara home, I got myself the best pre-birthday gift I could imagine. 30's I am ready for you!

petek, 9. december 2011


Bravo jst  :-)) Ob poplavi obveznosti s katerimi se tuširam zadnje mesece, sem popolnoma spregledala, da sem že oktobra objavila 300. sliko na  stene te sobe ... Očitno se res staram in letos se vse vrti okoli trojke in ničle ...  Na zdravje!


UTOP.I.JA. Kako lahko je pohoditi nekoga, Ki na kolenih razgalja okostnjak svoje duše. Kako lahko je stopiti na hrbet besed, ki  b...